jd edwards security enhancements in release 24

JD Edwards Security and Platform Enhancements in Release 24

With the much-anticipated delivery of JD Edwards Release 24, customers still on 9.1, or an even older version of JDE, should be taking note of their current IT security arrangements and reviewing the fine print of their cyber insurance policies.

Older versions of JD Edwards are reaching the end of their support lifecycle and support for 32-bit has already ended. This means that you may no longer receive security patches, updates, or technical support.

System Interdependency Driving A Need To Upgrade

Delaying your upgrade increases your risk of major cyber security incidents, as well as genuine potential impacts to “business as usual” because of the interdependent, or co-dependent, nature of the components across Enterprise systems.

Interdependency in the context of IT systems implies that two or more systems rely on each other to fulfill their functions or objectives. Changes in one system can impact or affect other interconnected systems.

There is a possibility that your system components; ERP software, Database, and Operating System, may not all reach end of life at the same time, which could have implications for the continuity of your core business systems.

For example, JD Edwards 9.1 isn’t certified to run on newer versions of MS Office, so, possibly, won’t work the way it’s expected to if you upgrade MS Office from 2016 to 2019 – or 2021.
Likewise, support for popular JD Edwards databases, such as IBM’s DB2, MySQL, and of course Oracle Database, all run out at times that don’t necessarily line up with the need you have to upgrade your Office OS and JDE business applications.

JD Edwards Release 24 Certifications

Importantly, for all customers, especially those who haven’t yet upgraded to 9.2, Oracle have noted the matrix of interdependent platform components that Release 24 is certified to run on, which is as follows:

  • Oracle Analytics Server 23
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows 11
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
  • Microsoft Office 2021
  • Google Chrome 118
  • Mozilla Firefox 115 ESR
  • Microsoft Edge Chromium 118
  • Apple Safari 17 on Mac OS

Maintaining Your JD Edwards Code Currency

We’ve all seen the fallout of security breaches in the last few years, and the grilling’s that get meted out, in public and media, to the CEO’s of companies that are victims of cyber security incidents.

Maintaining code currency is the surest way to ensure that if you are the unfortunate victim of a successful cyber-attack, that at least you have taken all the steps you could have to minimise the risk and ensure the validity of your cyber insurance.

For those of you on JDE 9.2, Ndevr can support your smooth transition to Release 24 with our Continuously Code Current Service, as well as Orchestrator and ReportsNow training.

Alternatively, if you’re considering an upgrade to 9.2, our team are renowned for their expertise and passion for JD Edwards, we’d love to help you understand all of the reasons why you should upgrade.

Upgrade To JD Edwards Release 24 With Us

email ndevr@ndevr.com.au or call +613 9865 1400